Actualités R&D Vie de MEDEE

ETIP SNET : experts MEDEE sélectionnés

Plus de 400 candidatures pour devenir experts dans les 5 groupes de travail (GT) de l’ETIP SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition) ont été reçus et deux experts MEDEE ont été sélectionnés :

  • Paul Ducasse (Directeur du Pôle MEDEE) dans le GT 5 « Innovation implementation in the business environment ». Il fera le lien avec l’association TSG
  • Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh (du laboratoire URIA de l’IMT Lille-Douai) dans le GT 4 « Digitisation of the electricity system and Customer participation » (et en membre associé des GT 1 « Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid system » et 3 « Flexible Generation »)

A propos du GT 4 « Digitisation of the electricity system and Customer participation »

Work Group 4 addresses the use and impact of the Information and Communication Technologies as a pervasive tool along the entire value chain of the power generation, transportation and use.

The communication layer is one of the pillars of the smart energy system, enabling system observability, monitoring, control and protection, specifically enabling a radical change in the relation between the final user and the energy system. New digital tools (i.e. from smart meters to social networks) linked to Internet of Things will aim to favour Customer participation in all stages of the development and expansion of the energy system thanks to the analysis of big data generated.

The widespread use of digital technologies however needs to be accompanied by suitable measures for data and information protection from malicious intrusions and attacks (cybersecurity) and from uncontrolled use of customers data (data privacy).

Plus d’informations détaillées ici

A propos du GT 5 « Innovation implementation in the business environment »

Work Group 5 adopts a helicopter view of the activities carried out in the projects within the perimeter of the ETIP about the energy transition in order to :

  • Build homogeneity in the analysis of projects, work done and lessons learned Create a common platform for analysing the progress made with technologies through-out the EU and facilitate their scalability
  • Build a methodology to judge system needs in the energy transition capable of identifying tangible needs for building on progress made and give feedback to the other WGs for populating their R&I needs in the years ahead ;
  • Review the relevant BRIDGE reports that identify the economic, social, technical, legal, etc. barriers which may slow down business model deployment
  • Search for innovative solutions that will maximize the benefits of the innovation process that EU achieves through R&I activities in the area of Energy.

Plus d’informations détaillées ici
Plus d’informations sur tous les groupes de travail
Site Internet de l’ETIP SNET 

Articles MEDEE associés :

ETIP SNET une nouvelle plateforme « Transition Energétique »

Architecture et Gestion des Réseaux Electriques – Colloque scientifique du 3 mars

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